Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Innovation & Technology behind Drone-Free-Samples for Students

Question: Discuss about the Innovation and technology behind Drone. Answer: Introduction Drone is an unmanned ship or an aircraft which can navigate automatically without human intervention. It is widely used in aerial filming and aerial photography. Drone is designed for targeted killings or surveillance (Chamayou 2015). This device has also helped the military personnels of United States in carrying out important missions and without putting risk into the life of the military Drones is also useful to the media. The development of drone first began in United States and thus with the development of technology the first UAV were tested and thus it began to expand gradually. Drones are widely used in mapping and logistics. There are certain legal and ethical issues which are associated with the use of drones. The use of drones help by the civilian authorities and the military personnels helps in discharging the functions of safety, policing and security in a proper way. The cost of drones is falling sharply and it can be used by the general mass (Callam 2015). Major technological development which led to the success of drones In this era of globalization, drones are used in every field such as agriculture, military and commercial purposes (Rogers and Hill 2014). Agricultural field The farmers have begun to use the agricultural drones which are attached with the cameras for the improvement in the treatment of different types of crops (Doering 2014). This helps the farmers to get a clear image of the crops which was not possible through other devices. Drones help in the exposure of the irrigation treatment processes, distressed plants and the soil variations at a cheaper cost than various other methods such as crop imaging with manned aircraft. Drones helps the farmers in getting better precisions of the processes and thus helps in reaping greater benefits (Trippichio et al 2015). Drones can only be successful in agricultural field if there is much technological advancement in digital radios, GPS modules and other small MEMS sensors. Civil and military field The use of drones by the civilian and military authorities will help in discharging the important duties which are associated with security, safety and policing in carrying out tasks in intelligence gathering and surveillance. This will reduce the number of frontline militants who are engaged in carrying out these activities putting their life in risks. Sometimes, these drones also help in carrying out dangerous activities such as helping to assist in the fighting of forest fires (Springer 2013). Construction purpose Drones are used in the construction and this has made the survey and the collection of data much easier. The drones are attached with a remote and this helps in quick transmission of the data. Drones can also reach the locations which are tightly squeezed or the areas which are prone to risk (Hermann 2016). The images of some places which cannot be easily accessed by the human beings can be captured by drones. The data which are collected by the drones are used in GIS mapping and thus it helps in the creation of digital maps through the use of cartography or statistical analysis. The 3D models help the clients to get the view of the entire site. The images captured through the drones also help the clients to get a clear image of the site when they are unable to visit it (Kumar et al 2016). Drones also help to evaluate the jobs of the workers by the contractors. When there are multiple job sites and the contractors re unable to visit them, they can make a close monitoring of the individual job role of each worker, detect if any of the important tools or machineries are missing. The drones in the construction sector are used during inspections and thus it helps the investors to get a clear image of the stakes when someone who plays a crucial role in the operation is in different city or state. In certain manufacturing plants, drones helps with reconnaissance by sending the images of the conditions of that particular place before the workers are sent to those areas (Kumar et al 2016). Drones also help in the safety and maintenance of the safety codes and thus it will benefit the safety managers in many ways. The safety managers can keep a track of the happenings on a real time basis. The use of drones in the construction industry also helps the project managers to know wh ether the project is going off-track or on-track. Cargo system Drones are used in delivering in bundles of various kinds or lightweight packages. It also helps in transportation of the goods by air or other environment friendly methods (Helou 2013). Surveying and GIS Mapping Drones also helps in creation of high quality 3D maps and is uses in surveying and mapping, precision agriculture, remote sensing, photogrammetry and many other purposes (Krygier and Wood 2016). Science and Research Drones also help the scientists in research works to observe the environment from the sky or make a close observation of nature or the environment. They are used to capture images of nuclear accidents or archaeological excavations (Floreano and Wood 2014). Example showing how a drone is successful than helicopter A drone is much successful than helicopters because it can deployed very easily and within minutes. There are many benefits of drone over helicopter in terms of cost, safety and speed. Moreover drones can capture crystal clear and high definition images at a much lower cost than helicopter. Moreover, drones are also equipped with safety sensors and thus it will help in preventing collisions. Drones can also accommodate in tight or close spaces and thus it has made the life of individuals much easier (Rothstein 2015). Superiority of drones over previous technologies Technology plays a critical and important role in the economy. With the improvement in the technological processes, drones have tried in bridging the gap between the digital and the physical world. Drones have enabled the companies to combine the various powers of scalable resources which are used in computation with the affordable and pervasive standards. The individuals who are involved in such kinds of jobs where it requires much time in travelling to certain dangerous and risky sites for inspection of the site or managing the infrastructure can do their task very easily (Earley 2014). Drones have made their life easier and have helped them by capturing the images of the sites and keeping them updated. Earlier, it was dangerous and risky for the individuals to visit those sites for identifying the physical state or analyzing the report. Some places also require climbing tall buildings or travelling to far or unstable areas for critical inspection of the infrastructure such as dams or power lines. This was made much easier with the introduction of drones. The commercial drones have helped in changing the life of the individuals. Drones have also made the process of data collection much easier. The data can be collected without making the people climb or travel to risky places. This transition has made the work much easier (Earley 2014). Theory of innovation highlighting the success of drone The diffusion theory of innovation can be linked to the success of the drone. There are five steps in these decision making process of innovation theory. The first step is known as knowledge which helps the individuals to get exposed to the innovation and understand its functioning. When drone was first invented, it was used only by the military personnels. But alter with the advancement of technology; it is widely used by the general mass (Cho, Cho and Jeon 2017). The second process is the persuasion process and it occurs when an individual forms a positive or negative attitude towards the innovation. When drone was invented, people did not have proper idea of using the technology or reaping the benefits. But later, the cost of drone was gradually declined and it has been widely used in all the sectors. In the third stage i.e. the decision making stage, the individual tries to engage in different activities i.e. whether to accept or reject the innovation processes. People were confused whether drone would give a clear image of the particular place. Some places are not easily accessible by the people and so drone was used in such places to capture the images. It also saved the life of military personnel and they were confused to accept the innovation of drone (Cho, Cho and Jeon 2017). In the fourth stage i.e. the implementation phase, the individuals tries to apply the innovation in practical field. After the innovation of drone, it was first tested by the military personnels and gradually it got spread to all other fields. The farmers in this era of globalization also started using drone for improvement in the agricultural fields. Drones are also used in the construction sector because it is not impossible for the contractors to visit multiple sites at a single time. It is also used in science and technological field to capture GIS data. Drones are also helpful to safety managers because they help to get a clear picture of such places which cannot be easily accessed by human beings. It is also used in high quality mapping such as 3D images. Drones are also helpful to the cargo managers as it helps in getting images of the various kinds of transportation (Cho, Cho and Jeon 2017). Confirmation is the fifth stage of the diffusion theory of innovation and it occurs when an individual tries to seek reinforcement of the innovation processes which has already been established. In this stage, the individual who are willing to use drone may revise their decision or switch to other technologies if they are not satisfied with the services of drone. However, drone has become cheaper and is widely preferred by majority of the people because of its valuable service. Conclusion Thus, it can be said that the application of drone in various places and fields has been successful than the earlier technologies. The issue regarding the use of drone over other military and civilian aircrafts is of great importance. Drones are also used to send and receive data in the telecommunication sector. It has helped the militants to capture the images in times of dangerous wars. Moreover, they also help to distribute various kinds of medicines or provide relief to the people in times of emergency situations. It is also important to strengthen the technology of the country if people want their task to become easier with the help of drones. Drones require less money, high speed and it can adjust in tight spaces. It is much more advantageous than helicopters other modes of technology. Reference List Callam, A., 2015. Drone wars: Armed unmanned aerial vehicles.International Affairs Review,18. Chamayou, G., 2015.A Theory of the Drone. New Press. Cho, K., Cho, M. and Jeon, J., 2017. Fly a Drone Safely: Evaluation of an Embodied Egocentric Drone Controller Interface.Interacting with Computers,29(3), pp.345-354. Doering, C., 2014. Growing use of drones poised to transform agriculture.USA Today,23. Earley, J.W., 2014.The Effect of Adversary Unmanned Aerial Systems on the US Concept of Air Superiority. ARMY COMMAND AND GENERAL STAFF COLLEGE FORT LEAVENWORTH KS SCHOOL OF ADVANCED MILITARY STUDIES. Floreano, D. and Wood, R.J., 2015. Science, technology and the future of small autonomous drones.Nature,521(7553), p.460. Helou Jr, E., Biosphere Aerospace, Llc, 2013.Drone cargo helicopter. U.S. Patent Application 13/759,953. Herrmann, M., 2016. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Construction: An Overview of Current and Proposed Rules. InConstruction Research Congress 2016(pp. 588-596). Krygier, J. and Wood, D., 2016.Making maps: a visual guide to map design for GIS. Guilford Publications. Kumar, V.P., Balasubramanian, M. and Raj, S.J., 2016. Robotics in construction industry.Indian Journal of Science and Technology,9(23). Rogers, A. and Hill, J., 2014.Unmanned: Drone warfare and global security. Between the Lines. Rothstein, A., 2015.Drone. Bloomsbury Publishing USA. 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