Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Introduction to Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Introduction to Law - Essay Example Crime 1 – (RWC 9A.36.001) Assault in the First Degree (Dave). He used the BB gun against Patty. The proof is the bullet entering her book bag. She then fleeing for safety. Her action is to avoid sure personal injury. Defense (RCW 9A.12.010) Insanity (Dave). He says the state of mind made it impossible to understand right from wrong actions. There would need to be a preponderance of evidence. This defense will not stand. Dave will be found guilty on both charges. Defense 2 (RCW 9A.16.110) Defending Against Violent Crime (Patty) The claim is the fear of imminent danger. Patty used no more force than was necessary in the circumstances. This defense will stand. The charge will be dismissed. Counter arguments – There is little room for any credible counters. The persons are clearly identified. The ownership of the ring can be clearly established. The circumstances surrounding the acquisition of the ring are clear. It is clear who committed the initial crimes. There is evidence that the bag was damaged. Further, it should be possible to confirm Dave’s fingerprints on the gun. The security authorities were able to apprehend him immediately. Presumably with the weapon and the bruises. The bruises were necessary for the escape. It should be possible to trace his DNA on the bag and traces of the bag material on the bruised

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