Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Comparing A Case of Identity and The Stolen Cigar Case Essays

Comparing A Case of Identity and The Stolen Cigar Case There are two forms of detective story: there is the who dunnit idea in which gentlemen detectives are called upon in all sorts of impossible situations, but always manage to solve the crime. In this type, the reader has a good idea of who committed the crime; however, the characters in the story dont. The other type of story is a mystery, in which neither reader nor investigators know who is responsible for the crime; together with the characters, the reader too is invited to figure out the sequence of events. In the Sherlock Holmes stories the focus is on the character of the detective himself (Sherlock Holmes) and follows the story of†¦show more content†¦In A Case of Identity Watson is the narrator, who, as he is some what naà ¯ve, has to have things explained to him; this assists the reader. He tries to work out S.Hs process of deduction, often unsuccessfully, so S.H explains in a straightforward manner through Watson to the reader. He takes the role of the pupil and is a necessary link between Sherlock and the reader. As we look at things from Watsons point of view we are able to see how S.H unravels the cases and solves the crimes. S.H is admired greatly by Watson; likewise readers also come to admire him as an exponent of ratiocination. Throughout the story, the impression is given that S.Hs previous clients have all been people high up in society as he had a little souvenir from the king of Bohemia in return for Sherlock helping him with a case. He has many valuable belongings, many of which have been gifts from wealthy clients of his such as his snuff-box of gold. He also refers to similar cases to the ones he is working on You will find parallel cases, if you consult my index, in Andover in 77. This also shows that he is an experienced detective with a powerful memory and someone in whom one can have faith. S.H uses very formal language for example even when he is talking to Watson he says which you will allow me, and uses laboriouslyShow MoreRelatedAmerican Government And Politics : The Melting Pot2725 Words   |  11 Pagesstratified, its consumption differential (Brake 1). In this definition, culture is influenced by media and consumer goods. They determine an individual’s taste and preferences, which is inferably the reason America has many subcultures. And in some cases, the cultures clash. In any society, there are cultures which develop within a dominant system (Brake 6). These are subcultures. Subcultures share elements of larger cultures but are also distinct from it (Brake 6). For example, black subculturesRead MoreLogical Reasoning189930 Words   |  760 Pages......................................................................................... 488 The Scientific Method ........................................................................................................................ 490 Some Case Studies ............................................................................................................................. 491 Review of Major Points .....................................................................................

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